
Hi, everyone!
I'd leave from Sendai. At tomorrow(today!?).
...today, I prepared about departure and I studied NSUserDefault class and NSMutableDictionary class.
I thought I can get a feature of "save" and "restore".
But I couldn't it.
NSUserdefault clas is can save and restore a data includes NSData, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSArray, or NSDictionary.
I save the UIImage class object, but NSUserDefault class can't save the UIImage class object.
Therefore, I save a NSMutableDictionary class object includes the UIImage classobject.
But I couldn't.
NSUserDefault class could restore the NSMUtableDictionary object, but not UIIMage class object is include the NSMutableDictionary object.


After all, I have to translate the UIImage class object to the NSdata class object.
I don't know about it,,,,,..
I'll confer to apple engineer in the WWDC2009.

I'll just have to keep working in the WWDC2009.

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