
Good morning!

I developed the "YubiFude" application and I watched the video about the iPhoneOS3.0.

Main contents of this video is API of new feature.

So all contents are Englich as well as WWDC sessions, I think it's nice.

I developed about the "YubiFude" GUI because I'll attend the lab session "iPhone Interface Design Consulting Lab".

I added effect. 

I think delete the buttons on drawing screen better than it remaining.

I added the feature is removing and restoring the 4 buttons by one tap.

So, It's became the wide the screen.

But I couldn't invoke same feature to other 4 buttons.

It belong to other class's object.

I used "Property" and "synthesize" and "import ".

But I couldn't the value of buttons.

I'll solve it tomorrow.

I couldon't get fastresponce of drawing yesterday but faster then yesterday at today.

I reduce the source code.

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓Screen shot of "YubiFude" ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

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